Friday, January 27, 2017

I'm new to podcasts. Someone recommended Mojo for Running. It has been informative. While I started listening to it, at work, I found out that Runner's World had a podcast. I LOVE IT! Then Runner's World got another podcast: The Human Race. I LOVE IT! I found out about a fourth podcast: Another Mother Runner. At first I found Sarah's speech to Dimity a bit demeaning- okay a lot demeaning... but Dimity didn't seem to mind. Then I saw photos on their website. Holy cow! I certainly don't need to "protect her." She is (in her own words) an Amazonian woman (6'4")! As I tried to get past the chit-chat, I learned a lot. I learned about Altra shoes. I learned about heart rate training... then I heard the following podcast. Another Mother Runner podcast - Mental Toughness  OH MY!!! I listened to it at work. Then I listened a second time due to distractions. I listened a third time, at home, where I could take notes.
Many know I doubt my abilities. I, often, get PHYSICALLY SICK with anxiety before a race or even a training run. I emotionally shut down. I tell myself to suck it up... but I feel worse if I "yell at myself" & implode. I have listened to this podcast numerous times & this is what I took away from it (for me): POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY.
*Do not focus on avoiding being fearful--> you end up steering right toward it (Don't tell yourself: "Don't be scared of -----." It's putting the idea in your head & will backfire.)
*Connect to something positive or NEUTRAL to keep you moving (When skiing, don't fear hitting a tree. Focus on the area between the trees & you will steer there.)
*Remind yourself: "This is what I love..."
*Remember: you are "prepared" (In life we get sick or situations arise that we miss training. Remember that you've prepared for years before this...)
*Focus on your BREATH- slowly & deeply to create a calm
*As endurance athletes we are an anxious or pressed bunch, we get wrapped up in tracking too much (HR, pace, etc).
*Connect to your body's "flow of movement." (Get out of analyzing everything & be in the moment of what your body is doing. Focus on that breathing.) 

I found myself getting anxious about tomorrow's long run. I heard this last night & today. I feel butterflies as I contemplate tomorrow with a group of people... but I will attempt to apply the points above. 

The question I get the most is: "Why do you get so anxious?" I was seriously injured at the beginning of learning to run. I kept running in that injured state with no relief- a leg out of socket & a misaligned SI joint. All of my "progress" was making things WORSE. I equate any progress with an eventual downfall. I am taking steps to avoid this but biomechanics are often going to stay. I am always waiting "for the other shoe to drop." 

For now, I follow the training, do more preventative... & remember to breathe... 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

My swim teacher missed her second week with me. She is having a bit of a family situation. She is normally quite open & frank; but, has been reserved with communication. I'm hoping all is ok. In the meantime, I'm going to the pool, anyways. I try to do my own thing & just practice. My breathing is easier; but, I'm still quite winded just making it across the pool. I remember what my teacher told me: exhale completely & slow down your arms. The concept of not holding your breath & slowing down seems "simple." It's amazing that I have to THINK that through, though! I try to apply... & feel better as I make another length of the pool. My heart is still racing; so, I wait-- a long time. I know I'm not fluid. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I notice I "bob" extremely low in the water whenever I use my left arm. Jim showed up to offer some advice & critique. He's trying to explain how Michael Phelps reaches farther, then is able to extend his pull in the water. I try. I bob... but I make it across the pool with no "panic." I don't know what I changed. I just know "I didn't used to do that. Now, how do I fix it?" Jim took a video and shows me in slow motion... 🙁 My right arm comes out of the water, most of the time "okay." My left arm doesn't clear the water enough & "scrapes" the water making a wave every other stroke. There is also a regular hesitation. I'm guessing it's me realigning myself in the water; but, I'm not sure. I'm still disconnected from what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm far from a strong swimmer-- but I am making it across the pool, now.

Progression is a reason to cheer... & then quickly re-evaluate plans and goals. I'm curious how my teacher is going to fix what I'm not sure is "broken." 😁 When the pool called & cancelled with me, I was relieved. The pressure was "off." I guess I should feel more pressure when she's not present. I want to be The Little Mermaid... not floundering Flounder! 😜

I do hope all is a well with her family... I kind of miss her, though, as my family.
I love this picture. At times when we see political unrest, we go for a run. When life is hectic, we run. When we ate too much & want to get some control, we run...

Did you realize that most races are also connected to a charity organization? Not only are you doing something for yourself... you're benefiting the community & helping others. Good for you!

Mercy Health Glass City Marathon is no exception. They have partnered with local organizations to "give back" to the community. You may choose to raise money for/ contribute to the organization, directly--or-- part of your race registration eventually filters to these charities.  See the official race charities and read about their organization by clicking below:

 Nonprofit Organizations connected to the Mercy Health Glass City Marathon

Train, race... do yourself some good, physically. Mentally, know that you're making the world a better place. You're SUCH a nice person!

Not my fastest pace, this weekend-- but an automatic PR because it was my first 10 mile race. 😜 Fastest "comfortable cruising" pace for a training run- considering there were 4 over passes and a couple more small inclines. I'm happy that I had a bit to pick up the pace at the finish. 10 mile race then another 3 1/2 with Jim. He hit 9 miles, Sunday!!! At the end, he picked up the pace and we were sprinting. He couldn't hold the pace for long, and I screamed- literally! We both laughed at the effort and we were quite pleased to be DONE! 😋

Tuesday is swimming then track work, tonight. Jim lifted weights yesterday & hit 235, again, on the flat bench. He was pretty proud! That's important to him. He says he still doesn't feel 100%; but, considering where he was a year ago, I'm amazed he rebounded as well as he has. 👍🏼

Last night, I had my first Flamework class at the museum. It was awesome! I can't wait to see what we do next week! I was quite nervous...but SO excited! It's been years since I've done anything truly classified as "art." I've done "artistic crafts"-- but this may be a LOT different. Yesterday was an overview of safety, equipment, technique, introducing ourselves, etc. We made glass beads just to "try." I, seriously, can't wait until next week!!! I'm taking notes so I know what equipment to get, later. This is d finitely something I could do at home, afterwards.

All-in-all, training is going well. I'm not as speedy as some. I am faster than others. I'm hoping to be "consistent" with performance, this year. Dave's Marathon in Training Group has given me a plan that I have been sticking with. Jim has been HELPING me be consistent when my negative talk starts in my head. He "holds my hand" & gets me out the door. It still isn't easy; but I'm hopeful for future races.

Friday, January 20, 2017

I was listening to a RW/Human Race podcasts at work. An interview with a member of the Sub-30 club struck a chord with me. She mentioned her husband's "arrogant" friends demeaning people's race pace by trying to "define" with a definite number what running "was." It struck a nerve. I've never felt like a runner because a long time ago, my husband said I couldn't. My mom sneered, "What are you doing?!" I kept trying, fumbling & getting injured as I logged solo miles/hiding in the woods. As I got some "confidence", someone told me I "wasn't running" at my race pace. It stuck & I STAYED a solo runner for years!!! As my pace improved, his definition of "running" changed! I was SO MAD & so hurt realizing I was chasing one (non-running) person's definition of "running." I knew I would never reach a "text book definition" of running. For years I believed I "sucked." Oddly, I stuck with it. While I don't mean to keep beating up my husband, mom & family for their words, I still couldn't "get over it." I still "hear" those words, today, in my own head. My husband has apologized profusely. His actions of embracing running, now, & supporting my endeavors are a complete 180*. He understands the struggle, now, is very empathetic & supportive... yet, I still beat myself up.

I've tried to support others despite their pace because I know how much it hurt. While I've gotten faster... it still NEVER seems fast enough. I "know" I'm faster & encourage new runners at every age, size & pace-- but I still fight that inner voice that tells me it's not good enough, that it will never be good enough... My "value" is based on performance. While I "know" it's not true... I kind of believe it IS true. "What's the point of training if I don't see numbers reflecting a good performance?" It is a two edged sword. I hold myself accountable & still juggle being merciful...

It was a soul searching podcast & I joined their FB group. I didn't pour my heart out to them but it was an eye opening moment. It helped me realize the root cause of much of my running insecurities. I realized my ego... my identity... my confidence... were all based on needing to provide consistent quantifiable performances. As a human, there are too many variables to be one linear acceleration of performance over the years. I know this & yet I still expect it.

I got teary at work. Despite being cerebral about all of this, emotions are involved. Hearing someone else say exactly what has impacted me & know it was "wrong" was a very "supported" feeling. -Knowing is 1/2 the battle... & maybe, now, I have the insight to know how to turn down that inner voice-- better yet, maybe I can shut off that arrogant voice...

Monday, January 16, 2017

Yesterday, I wrote about heart rate training. I posted information about a podcast onto Facebook. Within a few minutes I had people telling me how low their heart rate was... then asking what mine was. I had someone else telling me their heart rate "just couldn't get above XXX no matter what they did." When someone expressed a higher heart rate, person #2 said "That's weird..." -It went from individual performance to comparing (and competition) of performance. I deleted my post. -I usually never post my training times. I don't post onto Strava. Race day is hard enough without making EVERY day a performance/race. Sometimes I barely squeak out the miles. Today was no exception.

The thought of a 6 mile run, today, didn't seem daunting yesterday. "Easy-peasy," I thought. As I got up & around, my usual negative talk started. "I can't do 6!!!" (Ummmm... I did 17, Saturday... I KNOW I can do 6-- it's a matter of how WELL I can do 6-- according to my own standards) -I gave myself permission to go slowly, be sucky & only do "two" (laps of 3 miles each). I can't explain why this comforts me, sometimes. The math is the same-- it's 6 miles... but somehow telling myself "2" isn't daunting. I couldn't get my heart rate monitor to sync because I shut it off, last night. It finally paired at some point that I didn't notice; &, my experiment didn't happen, today. -It's done. And despite my initial trepidation, it wasn't as horrible as my mind was telling me it was going to be. 😇 My buddy Lucy slowed me a bit with her ample sniff-pee-poo breaks but I didn't mind, today. 

They say the hardest part is getting out the door. Sometimes, that is VERY true. 

Sunday, January 15, 2017

I'm not sure "why", but yesterday's miles glitched out on my iRunner. Before we ran together Jim saw my miles in HIS iRunner! 😮 I'm not sure what happened but indeed I ran +9 miles with the group, Saturday. THEN, I ran 8 miles with Jim! I'm surprised I am not hurting more. I'm a bit tight but nothing to worry about. I've been holding out at 10 for a long run for awhile... I'm proud I could do it. Jim was surprised when I said I was going to go with him. He did great! His pace is slow right now but he never stopped to walk. He has a cruising speed and significantly picks it up at the end!

I bought a "new" (used) OrangeMud hydraquiver from a mom running site. It's a single barrel & I have a double barrel but only use one side. Mine is a vest and I love the extra front pockets and the fact that I don't have to carry a water bottle. I usually carry hydration for Jim & myself on a long run. I gave him the single barrel & it was a quick adaptation! I prepped some Tailwind into the bottle & he was his own independent being! 👍🏼 I did remind him to drink every couple of miles. He commented at the end that he wasn't thirsty at the beginning and he noted the variation of the taste of the drink at the beginning of his run compared to the thirsty end of his run. 😊 He is most definitely more of a natural at this than I am. His gait is straight. He has a steady cadence and doesn't over stride. He isn't affected by other runners around him despite recognizing them. Every runner learns their cruising speed- a speed that is slow and effortless that allows them to really go for long distances. He's got that understanding.

The next thing we need to work on is hills and elevation changes. That will translate into a good pace and leg strength overall. I think he's ready for it on some of his shorter runs. I hope he's receptive to it. It's gonna' really suck... but it can be fun, too-- especially on race day!

Week three of marathon training starts Monday. He is unofficially in week 6 of 1/2 marathon training. I'd say we're on a roll! 👍🏼

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Another tough morning, mentally/emotionally, meeting with the group. It's easy to go unnoticed once I'm there, if I really want to... I know this; so, I make myself go. I arrived RIGHT at 8AM only to drive around & around the parking lot looking for a parking spot. 😕 I trotted over to the group, cognizant of my labored breathing, already. As the group did dynamic hops, kicks & stretches, I joined in; then, we took off. I was dead last in my group. I struggled but was ok not to be noticed. Gloriously, my caffeine started to kick in to work its magic. My breathing became easier & I chatted with a fellow runner for a bit. I am not a talker while I run so while I did communicate briefly, I awkwardly stopped talking & just tried to slip into pace behind a very tall man. Eventually, our group split into two groups with a big space in between. I floated between the two groups & did my own solo thing. I was on my target pace but still group-running-SOLO. It was kind of the best of both worlds. 😊 When I got back my iRunner had me at 8 1/2 miles not 9. At this point, I didn't care. While I was personally planning on running 10, I am kind of planning on still running with Jim, today. He's planning an 8 miler; so, I'm okay with running 8 1/2 with the training group.

I, surprisingly, felt well. I've been dealing with some quirks but nothing ibuprofen didn't take care of, today. I was running faster than my group's "slow, easy pace" but it felt easy, today. I usually run by feel instead of pace. This usually bites me in the butt on longer races so I'll have to rely on my pace group more, eventually. The miles quickly went by.

For now, training in a new location - also with a group- is a novel thing. It made the miles pass quickly! So while I initially dread the idea of running with people; I know it's really not that bad. Everyone that strikes up a conversation with me has been SUPER nice. The burden has been on them to start the conversation-- but they have! They are not spooky or scary... runners are the most welcoming group of people, honestly. I've just been groomed to be an independent, solo person. --I'm trying to be more social. I showed up... but didn't stay afterwards. Baby steps to being a different person & runner...

Friday, January 13, 2017

Yesterday was a tough, First World Problem day. It's only week 2 of marathon training & I'm feeling my left Achilles strain. I usually get hurt during marathon training. This time expects to be no different. I tried to do a tempo run, yesterday. It was the end of the day- before work- with no caffeine left in me. I took Lucy. I had a hard time breathing & Lucy couldn't keep up. I was pulling on her leash. I started yelling at her. I felt like a complete creep but I did it, again. I went to spank her & she just stopped & looked at me with the most sad eyes... I felt like a complete @$$-- the lowest of creepy low... Why was I taking it out on her?! I knew I was fighting my own insecurities & funneling them to her. I saw Jillian in Lucy. Both are timid and would allow abusive behavior toward them. I've always advocated for them &, here I was, turning the tables. How confusing it must have been to her.

What put me in this mood? First world problem: marathon training. I went to Runner's World & entered some race times into their pace calculator. It gave me a marathon time of 4:38. I'm training with the 4:05 pace group. RW had me 1/2 hr behind what I'm working toward. While I KNOW it's just a cold calculator with no real insight, I took it as "fate"... the "writing on the wall"... an absolute truth that I wouldn't escape. I was crushed. I felt the same defeated way remembering my mom & husband not believing I could run. While I tried to prove them wrong, there was still a half heartedness in my training- believing them. As I approached my first marathon finish line, I remember so clearly thinking: "I did it! There it is! They said I couldn't. I did..." Yet, I didn't consider myself a runner for a long time, afterwards. I cried as the woman gave me my medal. She put it around my neck. "I did it," was all I could choke out as I sobbed. She hugged my sweaty, cold body & said, "Yes, you did." She had no clue what I meant... what I was thinking... I had seen Jim as I turned the corner before the home stretch. He had been following me on GPS & yelled out to me. I thought of how he would see me proving him wrong. I didn't want to "rub anyone's nose in anything." I just wanted to show: "Yes, I can." --Now, here was a computer telling me what my finish time would be for my next marathon, far PAST what I am already knowing is difficult. The computer was telling me it was impossible. Would I approach it as absolute truth? I did yesterday & I was broken & mad.

Today is a different story. I was surprised at the the private messaging & supportive comments that I received, last night. I was a creep, yesterday, to my dog. I felt people SHOULDN'T be nice to me because I was so bad. I see, now, it was a reaction. I am RESPONDING, today; foremost, with an apology to my dog. She wagged her tail and gave no sign that she was holding a grudge. I lowered myself & she thought we were playing. Not feeling worthy of her forgiveness, I actually told her I was sorry & cried. She wiggled, wagged her tail & put her head on my hands as I rubbed behind her ears. I don't deserve her. Next I apologized to Jillian, Lucy's spirit human and through this blog post I hope to apologize to all who heard me whine, yesterday.

I have a plan in action. I AM shooting for a 4:05 marathon time-- there, I said it. It is a grandiose plan for me. I have yet to hold that pace for a marathon. I AM, however, training with a group, for the first time. I am running more days a week then I EVER have, before in my LIFE. I am running-- with Jim, now. His pace is currently slower than my own; but he has gotten me out the door to get my miles when I didn't feel I mentally could. I am also cutting back on sugar/daily empty calories. If I can lose a few pounds this will translate into speed. I have a chiropractor appointment & hopefully he can keep this old girl's frame aligned & on the road.

SO--- I'm shooting for a 4:05 (Plan A) but I'd consider it a win if my finish time was anywhere between 4:00 to 4:20. There is a lot of room to play there. I think if I train high & even if I land "lower" than I trained for, I will be happy-- at least for awhile. I have the Chicago Marathon, too, this year! Always striving to improve... & prove to myself & others that I "can"... & if I can... they can, too!

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

I was scared out of my mind; but I came to swim class, anyways, today. I want to learn how to swim... but I'm too scared & overwhelmed to go to swim class, sometimes (most times). Flailing around in front of a bunch of strangers, in a bathing suit is intimidating! My teacher is calm & understanding. I know once I GET here, she will calm me & we'll get it done. I very pointedly told her the above. I may want to-- but fear will keep me from actually doing it, without her in the pool right now. I feel like I need a "confessional." I need to explain that I am too scared to come solo; so, I don't practice away from our swim lesson. She's cool with it & takes it in stride. We start a length & I only make it 1/2 way across the pool. 😕 She asks, "When you run, do you start at a sprint?" She already knows the answer but uses running illustrations so I understand. I explain it took a good year to understand pacing when running. She explains slow, methodical, full arm pulls. This makes sense to me because, when running, your feet follow your pumping arms if you want to pick up the pace. The same, conversely, made sense by slowing down my arms- my feet would follow. I slowed my arm pulls, which slowed my pace, which slowed my need for air, which helped make it across the pool!!! I went across the pool numerous times-- five times to be exact!!! I was beside myself! They weren't fluid. I reverted back to "bear clawing" my hand positioning-- but goll darn it, I made it across that pool! Again... & again... & again... My breathing was often; but getting air helped me make it across!

I think now, I may make solo trips to the pool. I proved- to myself- that I can. Now it's practice that I need. My form will smooth out as I get more comfortable, I think.

I am one happy guppy. 💕

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Very frosty 5 miler with the Dave's Marathon in Training Group, Saturday AM. It was my first group run- EVER. The Speer plan was for Jim to come & run 8. I would run with my group then finish with him. He didn't get up; so, I did 5 miles with the 1/2 marathon group (instead of our planned 7) so I could get back & run with Jim. It was COLD at the beginning! Our breath was freezing on our eyelashes, eyebrows & hair. Made for some serious bragging rights! :) I came home to find Jim wasn't having a good day with his sugar & just wanted to sleep. We didn't do mileage until the end of the day. Instead of 8, we did 5, together. He still has plans for a 1/2 marathon in April.  I ended up with 10 miles. I don't want to do anything less for a long run. It's "mental". Double digit long runs make me feel like I can potentially do "anything."

Free race? Of course! Sunday the Toledo Roadrunners had their annual Donut Dash. It was a 4 mile prediction race which means, you don't necessarily need to be the fastest to win. The person closest to their predicted time is the winner. This makes it crazy for the people doing all of the math-- but for us running, it's fun. Some runners did the Crazy 8 Challenge. In the past, when the gun went off, they were to eat 2 (large) donuts at the start line & 2 at each mile! This year, they only had to eat one at each stop. I did not participate in the Crazy 8 challenge. I did however resolve to run & go easy. When the gun went off, I took off. I had to remind myself to "chill". It was a 4 miler, today- not a 5K. I predicted 39 minutes. 9:30 min miles plus some change. My time was under 36 minutes. 😕 --Did I mention it was cold? Not as cold as yesterday but still chilly!!! I triple layered but wasn't comfortable with the way layer 1 was feeling against layer 2. It kept "catching." When home I realized my base layer was inside out & backwards! In my defense, it was dark when I was getting ready. I figured I had gained weight so my shirt was tight around the underarms. 😆 I considered a costume but it was too cold & I picked the puffiest vest in my closet. It's not a streamlined running vest with reflective trim & branded to make you look fast. It was simply a lime green POOFY vest. In this weather, I pick warmth & utilitarianism over fashion. Plus, I'm warm (enough) at the beginning & unzip to vent, as I warm up. Hat came off, eventually. Mittens were on & off... then on, repeat. Second layer was unzipped to vent, also. I interacted a bit but was eager to get home to see Jim off. He planned a hunting trip after work, today. His plans changed due to the weather. He ended up planning/cooking meals, then left to do a floor job in Toledo. This meant I had food when I got home! *YUMM-O!*

I did bring home ONE donut. Hannah asked me to bring one home for her. It had a safe ride home- only to be devoured as soon as it came onto the kitchen. 🍩 Some runners ate a donut at every mile & took a donut home. I did not; I think I would have been sick. Gave the big thing to the girls & Jim. They said it was good.

We had a busy weekend. Friday was a 4-H banquet for our group. Advisors & kids were acknowledged for their years of participation. I even applied for a grant, for a class, at the Toledo Museum of art! *hopeful*

I am writing & shutting down. I think I'm hitting the hay, early, tonight. School drop offs come early in the morning...

Saturday, January 7, 2017

It's TOO EARLY!!! 😖 I'm supposed to meet with my marathon training group at 8am, 1/2 an hour away. I normally sleep in on Saturday & do a long run after a good night's rest. Ugh! How do these people get up and run at 4am?! I don't get it...

I'm up early to eat, wake up mentally, use the bathroom (at home- not the park), get dressed -WARM- because its freakishly cold outside (!!!)... blah, blah, blah... -Did I mention it's WAY too early?😴💤

Breakfast is done ✅ Bathroom ✅ Triple layers ✅ Lets just get this done... My mind is kinda' freakin' out...

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Jim is laying the ground work for his first 1/2 marathon. I am training for a full. Officially, this is week one of the 16 week Glass City Marathon training schedule. As I looked at my training schedule from the Marathon in Training group, I noticed two things. First: it's more days than I usually ever run-- ever. (Hmmmm maybe THAT'S why people are faster than my 3 days a week training). Second noticed feature: 1/2 marathon schedule on the other side.

Jim has always balked when I've shared training schedules with him. I shared the Dave's training schedule. He actually considered it! -I tried to show him how the increases were spaced over the 16 weeks. "Technically you're at week 5." (8 mile long run) "If we repeat week 5, you'll have two weeks of hitting 8 miles before we jump to 9, then you have two weeks at 9 miles before they jump up, again." -Jim was pretty receptive to having a plan but making it his own. Since he is already a few weeks ahead on the plan, it will give him the chance to do longer runs than the schedule shows, later. As we looked to see how it compared to my schedule, it matched up! My week one & "farther" are equivalent to his mid training schedule. We've been able to log miles together! I have slowed to meet his pace but he is mutually benefitting me! (It is difficult to train solo! -It's not impossible but having someone with you makes it nicer.) -I'm helping him... but he's helping me! Cold, windy miles would be pretty sucky, solo. I wasn't alone & he's getting ME to do more days of training. I'd say that's a win-win. 💕

Monday, January 2, 2017

Kind of how I have trained for running. Tomorrow is my first day of marathon training/group work--aka track work outs! Am I nervous? I was. I probably will be tomorrow. Right now, I'm kind of excited. It's definitely out of my comfort zone. I'll need to pack a track bag! Hip aligned ✅ New track shoes ✅ Marathon in Training back pack ✅ What else? I'll find out soon enough, I guess.
For the past 2 weeks I've been contorting, rolling & stretching trying to get my muscles to loosen & my SI joint to realign. I've been hanging over the back of the couch as my own sort of "traction". Nothing worked & my whole left hip/cheek/leg/Achilles was TIGHT. Jim finally gorilla massaged my tight hip flexor & glute. Then-- in front of God, country & husband, I popped! It was an instant relief. I almost started crying- not because of pain-- but relief from pain!!! This is officially day one of Marathon training week. The thought of racking up miles in an injured state & making it worse was making me anxious. I almost feel like I have an ace up my sleeve, now! I'm putting that Dude to work whenever I can't loosen up! 👩🏽‍🌾YYYYEEEeeeee-haw!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

I had a 5K, today. Our local running group has a great race director. He comes up with these silly themes that make a "run" into a FUN RUN. Last night was the Midnight Special. It was a 5K that I ran with Jim, at Midnight. Jim wanted to do it & I promised I wouldn't leave him (like I did 2 years ago). *WOW-- talk about tension, afterwards* --Last year he was just getting out of the hospital, again-- so we didn't participate. This year he is healthy enough to participate; but, he has run the same race, faster. --TODAY, however, I was solo at the Hangover Classic. It was another 5K exactly 12 hours apart from the Midnight Special. - I was anxious & excited. I have been running at Jim's slower pace for a few months. What if I couldn't kick it up? I haven't even TRIED. What if my tight Achilles RIPPED during the race & I was out of commission for a year?! What if I went too fast & puked in front of everyone --& someone took a picture of it?! (It's happened!) What if my hip slipped & I had to slow WAY down & gimp walk?! Would people think I can't run fast?! I didn't have Jim, so I absolutely couldn't use any excuse. Today was M-E. I used the bathroom 60 times this morning but I was going to make it to this race despite what my nervous gut was threatening. 

At the race, I saw, chatted & waved at people I recognize-- by MYSELF (!!!). Ed gave his usual pre-race directions & good humored jokes. The gun went off & I took off at a comfortable pace. Mile one was 8:15. As I passed a mile, the course got a bit rolling-hill-ish. Mile 2 & 3 were slower as I didn't want to heave on the inclines & STOP. I picked it up at the finish. I didn't "red zone" at any time. I pushed my training pace & I've settled into a new 5K pace. (I never thought I'd see mid to low 8's. Now, they are the norm without seriously pushing.) I've "touched" a sub-8 mile, this year, a few times. I suspect it will be my new 5K pace-- eventually. I've decided to cut back on my sugar intake. If I can lose weight that will increase my speed as well. 

After the 5K, I came home & got Lucy ready for more miles. I missed my long run, this week & was pleasantly surprised when I realized today was Sunday-- not Monday! YAY! I went to the trails & they instantly zapped my legs. My plan was 3.5 "out" then 3.5 "back" for 10 miles, total, today. It was rough & I tripped numerous times-- like seriously "caught air". There were still spots with snow & ice-- & I didn't have Yaktrax. I ran out of steam & eventually we walked. I didn't nearly have enough caffeine to get me through, today. BUT-- I did the mileage at whatever the pace. 
I ended up taking a nap- not nearly long enough, but not enough to affect sleep, tonight. Jim & I discussed his training. In the past he refused to listen to any plan I offered. TONIGHT, though, I pulled out the Dave's Marathon in Training 1/2 Marathon Plan. As we poured over "where" he is (week 5) he AGREED to use it. I was floored! We talked about my plan & the fact that I'm putting money into a MARATHON training group. "I want to do a marathon this Spring." (I had signed up for Toledo's full marathon-- but if Jim runs his first half, I promised I would run with him.) I told him about Canton again & how doing a 1/2, with him the previous week, would actually follow MY marathon training plan. --He agreed, again!!! (I'm on a roll!!!) So, it looks like I'm heading to Canton! 

We discussed caffeine & me running out of steam, today. We discussed hydration & I told him I bought a new OrangeMud (single bottle) hydraquiver. It's not technically new because it's from a running mom. She didn't use it because she likes handheld bottles. I thought I'd use it-- but I offered it to Jim. (Right now, I'm carrying drinks for both of us in my double bottle hydraquiver. Neither of us finds running with handhelds comfortable.) He, again, accepted. GEEEEEZ & WOWSAS!!!

So while today wasn't a PR in a few areas, I got a few "wins". :) We've got a plan, gear & we agree! Life is pretty good, today-- & even Lucy is happy!