Sunday, November 22, 2015

5 miler on Friday, then I pushed Jim in a wheel chair around the zoo to see the lights. It was very cold & very tiring getting him up & down those long ramps. He has lost more weight but pushing & pulling 170 pounds around the zoo is still a work out.

Saturday was all about work, office work & housework. Snow, Sunday morning, so I HAD to run, today. I couldn't miss the 1st snowfall! I packed up Lucy & we headed to Oak Openings. The trees were beautiful! I've always said winter running is like running in a snow globe. The snow was puffy & packed to every branch on every tree, every leaf-- above & below. I forgot my caffeine. My phone got too cold & shut off. I had no music & no more camera... but Lucy & I had a beautiful time.

I came home & got ready for a planning meeting with fellow Glass City Marathon Ambassadors. It's a group that loves to run & promote the sport- especially locally. I count it a privilege to be in the group.

Now, I get ready to check employee's work for the weekend & take the girls to watch a movie with my sister.

Jim had a tough couple of days but is recouping from Friday's mileage & increase in pace. He needs to be reminded how far he's come, sometimes. I know it's easy to see how far you have to go... rather than how far you've come. 2 weeks before his 1 1/2 mile walk he was barely going 2,000 feet! He used a cane & before that he was barely able to get around with a walker.

We are both on the road, again; & I appreciate that we have the opportunity to each share our comeback story. --Everyone loves a happy ending...

Saturday, November 14, 2015

 Entry to win a FREE registration to one of the Glass City Marathon races is available at Ambassador Dean's blog:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

AND THE WINNERS ARE: Bonnie Lynn & adrienna! If you weren't randomly picked--> no worries! There are many weeks to try again for that free registration! Your next opportunity to win is through fellow Ambassador Dean:

His giveaway is from November 13-19th.

Monday, November 9, 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Another day, another chance to enter and win a free registration to a GCM race! Win a free entry to one of the following: Mercy Health Glass City Marathon Owens Corning Half Marathon or the Medical Mutual Glass City 5k (Please note this raffle does not include an individual entry for the Yark 5-Person Relay Marathon or Findley Davies Kid's Marathon.)

Saturday, November 7, 2015

This morning, as I woke up to get ready for a race, I thought: "What am I doing? I'm tired; it's dark; I want to climb back into bed; I'm not ready for this race..." THEN... I thought how I would REGRET not racing... how I would miss the thrill of crossing the start line & the finish line... how my first race "back" might as well be this one. I thought of how silly I would feel wearing a Wonder Woman outfit... I'm no Wonder Woman. Then I thought of how GREAT I'd feel wearing that Wonder Woman outfit-- how far I've come... I knew I would probably not feel confident or strong "during" the race; but I reassured myself that any race since Jim has been home was inevitable-- it might as well be THIS race. Such is the constant battle that goes through my head before every race & training run-- the struggle between feeling selfish, being responsible, taking care of myself & wondering "why?" I don't know if I will EVER be a confident runner but toeing the start line quiets some of the talk in my head. It puts me in an uncomfortable situation that makes it less uncomfortable "next time". Racing helps me see what I could potentially do differently, better or compare where I've been. Crunching numbers: pace, weather temps, weight, breakfast, etc & planning my next starting line...

Friday, November 6, 2015

Do you want to win a free entry to a GCM race? Click below to win a free entry to one of the following: Mercy Health Glass City Marathon Owens Corning Half Marathon or the Medical Mutual Glass City 5k (Please note this raffle does not include an individual entry for the Yark 5-Person Relay Marathon or Findley Davies Kid's Marathon.) a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Shortie 4 miler with Lucy. It's like being tethered to a tank sometimes; but, it's good for her despite my frustration at the pace. I have to get her prepped for some upcoming races, too. It was a bit humid for her, today. She struggled. I tell myself that whatever the pace... it's still good for me, too. Between being a nurse & waitress at home, I'm also a taxi driver for three. It's getting easier but my running took a hit. As Jim becomes stronger, my runs will get longer. As my daughters learn to drive themselves, I'll spend less time "on the road" in a car & on my feet-- all in good time...

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

'Tis the season to be planning your 2016 race schedule! To help motivate you and create excitement, race registrations for the: Mercy Health Glass City Marathon, Owens Corning Half Marathon or the Medical Mutual Glass City 5k are scheduled to be GIVEN AWAY November through December through the Glass City Marathon Ambassadors!

Feel free to read their bios & watch for a chance to win an entry to any race of your choice. Details provided, soon!