Tuesday, December 6, 2016

New stuff, Baby! Sometimes "new" makes me excited. Sometimes it makes me scared & sick to my stomach! I started swim lessons, & while the teacher is nice, I am sick to my stomach with nerves, today. I did an easy three mile trail run with Lucy before the rain. I fell way off schedule working with a new account, dealing with employees, helping Jillian with a school project & just being exhausted. The sleep was wonderful but made me behind & kind of guilty.

I bought Jim a new winter coat. After being sick & losing so much weight, he needed one. He wanted it but didn't want to get it. It was at Sam's & 1/4 of retail. It fit him perfectly & it was another weight of letting go of the past. THAT made me feel good. I also scored on some new Newtons. A fellow running mom shared a link to an online retail store. I got my $180 Newtons for $36.18!!! Woohoo!!! So, I got 6 pairs in multiple colors- some for trails & winter weather, some for high road mileage, some light racing flats, etc. I'm set for a long time! THAT made me feel good, too.

Now, with a clean garage, school break & cold weather coming... I'm focusing on a marathon training group. Jim is not thrilled about it. This is not for social time. I have never been coached or taken advice from a running professional. I finally feel I'm ready. I'm not saying it will be smooth sailing. I know it will be--- I will be--- awkward. I'm wanting the next level in my marathon- a faster time. I've gotten this far solo. I'm ready to come out of the "runner closet"... & that scares me. How much do I want it? Enough to embarrass myself in front of others, I guess. Everything I've heard about speed work says everyone is awkward & uncomfortable... so maybe no one will notice me. 🤗

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