Tuesday, August 30, 2016

So excited for a couple in our 4-H group!

I write about running all of the time. Some people get sick of it & unfriend me on Facebook. Other people that I have no contact with, previously, seek me out to hear running experiences. I became Facebook friends with a couple when their daughter was on my team in 4-H. The mom, eventually, told me she was considering a 5K after she had tried running at home. She lives on a farm with many animals. As she did her morning routine, she started running to the barn. Eventually, she could make it back & forth, twice. The exact distance isn't what is important in this story. The point is: she set a small goal. She met that goal, then lengthened the goal (twice the distance to the barn). This gave her confidence to consider a Couch to 5K program (app for her phone). We discussed pace (no pace is too slow when starting). She eventually started texting me her accomplishments. "1/2 mile" became "1/2 mile, twice, with a short walk break between loops... Does that count as a mile?" Me: "Yes!" TODAY: I saw her and her husband hoofing it up a hill at Oak Openings. I am NOT a hugger; but, I was so happy to see them, I flew over to them with wide open arms! *obligatory sweaty selfie-- or it didn't happen* :)

We went our separate routes. They did 2 1/2 miles, today! Not bad for a retired marathoner getting back in the saddle & a new runner!!! I am SO happy to share these stories! I told Jim & he was happy for the Mitchell's, as well. I'll be attending all of their first 5K's!

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