Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On your mark! Get set... to REGISTER...

Labor Day is the launch of registration for the 2017 Mercy Health Glass City Marathon race weekend!

Registration will be available at:

Make sure you like the GCM Facebook page and encourage others to do the same to stay up to date on the latest race information as it becomes available. 

Race distances from: 5K, 1/2 marathon to a Full marathon will be available. There will even be a race for the kiddies!

Get ready! Registration opens MONDAY!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

So excited for a couple in our 4-H group!

I write about running all of the time. Some people get sick of it & unfriend me on Facebook. Other people that I have no contact with, previously, seek me out to hear running experiences. I became Facebook friends with a couple when their daughter was on my team in 4-H. The mom, eventually, told me she was considering a 5K after she had tried running at home. She lives on a farm with many animals. As she did her morning routine, she started running to the barn. Eventually, she could make it back & forth, twice. The exact distance isn't what is important in this story. The point is: she set a small goal. She met that goal, then lengthened the goal (twice the distance to the barn). This gave her confidence to consider a Couch to 5K program (app for her phone). We discussed pace (no pace is too slow when starting). She eventually started texting me her accomplishments. "1/2 mile" became "1/2 mile, twice, with a short walk break between loops... Does that count as a mile?" Me: "Yes!" TODAY: I saw her and her husband hoofing it up a hill at Oak Openings. I am NOT a hugger; but, I was so happy to see them, I flew over to them with wide open arms! *obligatory sweaty selfie-- or it didn't happen* :)

We went our separate routes. They did 2 1/2 miles, today! Not bad for a retired marathoner getting back in the saddle & a new runner!!! I am SO happy to share these stories! I told Jim & he was happy for the Mitchell's, as well. I'll be attending all of their first 5K's!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Back at home with a (new to me) treadmill & a fan. Cranked out a couple more miles in the garage after a failed road run. Garage door open & the humidity just making it hard to breathe-- but better with the fan. 2 miles on the bike trail-- embracing the beating... then I just didn't want to. I came back.

I think the most frustrating part of my training is my lack of skill. My desire is there but I lack natural ability & talent. I had plans for a long run-- I gave up after a few miles. It's 96% humidity. I tried some treadmill miles in front of the fan... I may have to be content with 5Ks & 1/2 marathons right now.

The running was difficult but the sights were beautiful.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

I've always enjoyed set design so I used to volunteer decorating the girls' elementary school for the book fair & right to read week-- as well as weddings (!!!) & parties. Now, I'm decorating for our 4-H group. I've done tshirt designs, banner layouts, parade floats & fair booths. This year's fair booth theme is "4-H Grows..." I can guess that everyone will have some kind of plant theme tied to qualities or project books. --I don't like typical. I was racking my brain: "What 'grows' that will get kids excited, make parents smile, is bright, 4-H themed, not typical...?" Plants, kids, ideas, puzzles... then the stretch of the definition--> grow... evolve... Pokemon Go!

Say what you will. It should be totally different than anyone else's booth. I know nothing about Pokemon GO, except that it is THE thing, right now. I'm stretching all the definitions of 4-H (Head, Heart, Health, Hands) by assigning characters from the game to each quality (or H). "Gotta' Catch Them All" (qualities), a "4-H GROWs" title, along with a custom designed Pokeball & TEAM design will all be on display.

I'm driving my girls crazy as I ask non gamer questions-- but we're all laughing. It's cool collaborating with your kids, then getting the 4-H group on board. All I had to do was mention Pokemon GO, Friday, at the club meeting. We got cheers & chatter from the little kids, smiles & laughter from the parents.

We crystallized a very foggy idea with great collaboration. The group will now pick up a big part of putting our materials together. I used to do this solo; but, it's been such a great experience & a lighter load when we all share the project. Everyone feels good when they know they helped put up the booth (or float).

I'm actually looking forward to these group projects.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I absolutely LOVE getting private messages from people just starting to run! I've had people tell me I share "too much." Honestly, I'm just trying to motivate others showing we all struggle & usually there is no such thing as a perfect workout. They are all blocks in the foundation that make your lungs & heart more efficient. Running causes your body to make more capillaries to muscles & all of this takes time & conditioning.

As I was finishing up some office work between school drop offs & a run, I get this message: " Does running two half miles within ## minutes count as a mile? If so, I did it! Probably first time ever..." This text came from a new runner-mom. She's 47 & just started running from her house to her barn... then she would do the distance twice... A month ago she started a Couch to 5K plan! My response? "Ack!!! Awesome!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ" This is a mom that I started talking more to-- probably the past year. She told me how she was afraid to try running because she thought it would hurt. She got a Couch to 5K app & I had a conversation with her about my many learning curves-- including pace. I told her about my previous understanding that running meant sprinting... & that I couldn't keep up that pace for long. A mom took me out & literally told me: "Slower... Slower... Slower..." every time I told her I wanted to walk. As I thought I was creeping from the pace I had before, I told her this was "cheating." She asked: "Are you still moving? Are you going faster than walking? Then it isn't cheating." --I share this story with anyone that will listen. It is the number one rule that will lengthen your distance.

YOU have direct control over the music & VOLUME in which you listen to it. Consider your running pace your volume. There are many settings on that dial. You can dial up or down as you need to.

I share Jim's recovery. I share my faux pas-- & there are many. New cooks, new drivers, new runners-- sometimes the "basics" just need to be bluntly stated. When it "comes together" & someone tells you-- it's pretty awesome to see!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

He did it!!! His first mile -running- since September 2015!!! It was much slower than 2015; but, he didn't lose his balance! While he can jump rope with "two feet" (landing), now; he still doesn't have the leg strength to do single leg jumps. This is obviously important when running! He has taken a few tumbles but his high school football days taught him to "roll." This has thankfully resulted in no injuries except to his pride.

As he does moderately, uneven trails, I worry; but, he has progressively gotten faster as his running segments have gotten longer during his 1/2 mile loop. Tonight, he doubled his distance for a full mile on the road in front of our house. Walking this distance was exhausting to him in June. It was impossible in April. In August, however... It's quite literally: a milestone!

Monday, August 22, 2016

The "anniversary" of Jim getting sick is coming up, next month. We've shared this & people have told us, "Wow-- that's one you may want to skip..." On the contrary, I understand, now, why cancer survivors have their anniversaries. It's like a mom talking about birth. The pain makes you change. You look at death & trauma with a sense of defiance & victory. I am grateful for EVERYTHING, now! I hug my husband & girls, DAILY! I hug both girls at the same time & they give each other a high-5. I need them to be comfortable in our family. I want them to get strength from each other. We used to all live in the same house but did our own thing. Now I tell Jim, "I love you, today"-- every day. There was a time growing up that I never heard those words, let alone say those words. It made you "vulnerable." Now, I realize it is empowering to our girls' happiness, confidence, sense of well being. If they are loved at home, they don't need to look elsewhere-- at least until they're older.

We will remember our war. We will remember our long battle. We didn't leave a man behind & we are strengthened by a common experience. Ironically, it took death to make us a healthier family in more ways than one.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

I started freaking myself out, today. I was supposed to run 8, yesterday. I was scared. I procrastinated. I bailed. I postponed it until today. Today arrived & I started freaking out, again. WHY? I don't know. I KNOW I've easily done this mileage before... why is TODAY any different? --I procrastinated & Jim got me out the door. He was going to try to run his 1/2 mile loop around Mallard Lake then bike. I went with the idea that I would do 4. We started separately & I turned around. If he had a great run, or a terrible one, I "should" be there. To be this close in proximity & not support his effort would be a jerk moment. We started from the truck, went through the parking lot & around the lake. I am the wingman & stay to his left, behind him, letting him set the pace. As we rounded the first corner, I waited for him to walk. He didn't. He went up a small incline. Sometimes he walks shortly after, he didn't. It took everything I had to be quiet & not make a big deal about this. As we went up a bigger incline & descended, I remember (every time) how scared I was when Jim tried to unsteadily walk this route. He had absolutely NO muscle left after his last hospital stay. He was emaciated & had very little stamina & energy. Now, here we were, whatever the pace, we were doing this incline with stamina & better footing. As we made it around 1/2 of the lake, I prepared what I would say to coach him to the finish. I didn't have to! He had a constant pace, over the bridge, to the finish, up the stairs, through the parking lot & back to his truck. 1 1/2 minutes faster than anything he has done so far! He had enough in the tank to do a second loop, but we will do that, next time. He got his bike & went for a ride- his fastest, ever.

I did my last 3 1/2, solo,  for my full 4 miles. My head games are my biggest obstacle. I know this. I think of everything I should be doing or a reason why I'm not "talented". I think of the Bumblebee defying odds... I stop for pictures of my hard working, soul-mate creature. As I wait for Jim to return to the truck, I think of a fellow Toledo Roadrunner with ALS who WISHES she could do what we are doing. I share the pictures I took during my stop with her on FB. When I was done, I considered how foolish I was to consider bailing.

If I can get Jim's miles up... then I'll never really have an excuse to bail, again. :)

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Early bird registration is opening SOON!!! 

Labor Day is the launch of 2017 registration for: 

--Mercy Health Glass City Marathon
--Owens Corning Half Marathon
--Yark Subaru 5-Person Relay Marathon
--Medical Mutual Glass City 5k

Make sure you "like" the Facebook page to follow updates. 

Registration opens 09/05/16:  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Cleveland made me realize that I'm running just enough to make myself miserable on race day. I mean: I'm training enough to finish the miles on race day but I'm not doing enough training to COMPETE on race day. Most training plans require 4-7 days of running each week. I was doing 3. SO--- I'm adding a fourth day for a couple of weeks, then a fifth. I'll be whooped but some people run daily. I'll need to adjust my schedule to accommodate the new plan but if I don't TRY... I'll regret not putting forth more effort on race day. My new mission has been sent into the universe... or at least published. :)

New resolutions aren't just made on January 1st.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I "raced", today. Cleveland races are always challenging to this flat lander. I went in viewing this as mileage for training, more than a race. The weather was 79 degrees with 99% humidity at 5AM. I knew I may walk-- I did. I was hoping not to, but made it to mile 7 before walking. I walk-ran to the finish. I realize that I need to ramp my road mileage & add another running day or I'm never going to be happy with my race times. I'm doing enough to finish races but not enough do "well" during longer distances.

I saw a sign on the Internet, today (which prompted this blog post) saying: "World's Okayest Runner." It's true. While I embraced the fact that I am able to do more than I could during my teen years, I'm tired of that thought.  I've tried to inspire non-runners to see that  the sport is possible for anyone. Now, some of the people I've encouraged  have "passed  me." I am happy for anyone that improves-- really-- but the mom in me wants the world to be "fair." I want running to be naturally easy for me, too. If I start running before them, shouldn't my advancement be linear as well? At less than 5 feet tall, I never thought of playing basket ball. It wasn't what I was handed in the genetic "cards." I'm cool with it. Running however-- it's a hard pill to swallow when you "want it" & others genetically have the cards (gait, biomechanics, foot strike, etc) that naturally make the sport easier for them. While I KNOW this, my heart still hurts. You can call it jealousy-- because it is in every aspect of the  definition of the word. Busting my butt will  yield me being "average". I don't get emotional over much-- but for this, I'm desirous. As I reflect on most women my age, I realize that physically, I'm not average-- so the battle in my head continues: change what I can, work with what I have & be content... or try harder to change it.

So, one race humbled me & emboldened me. This story is going to get interesting...

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

I have read this article over & over & OVER, again, today. I cry EVERY TIME!!! I didn't allow myself to cry "then"-- it was too distracting. A clear head was needed to make decisions & also needed to talk to doctors. Schlumping into a pile wouldn't help anyone. --Now, that Jim is out of the woods, we are sharing his most vulnerable time. Maybe a comeback isn't possible in every case; but, in this case, the odds of pulling through were low. Our hope is to show that as long as you're alive (even with assistance)... if you're chances are "low"... comebacks are not impossible.

Runners are a pretty supportive group- inspiring others to try, not give up, try plan B... try plan C... try plan D... TRY! This article is hopefully motivating to others in multiple ways. The blog mentions one mom that wanted me to try running-- when I didn't think I "could". I TRY to share this story as often as I can. It helps people see that sometimes you can do stuff you never dreamed were possible. I HOPED Jim's recovery was possible. 

I told a runner mom that I couldn't run. "I'm a weightlifter! Weightlifters don't run. We're too heavy & we're too slow." *My excuse-- so I'm off the hook, right?* A recent quote in this blog (about unnamed Thais McClain Whitehurst): "Sarah continued to lift with James, but it was a runner–a mother at her children’s elementary school–who inspired her to give running a try. “Despite me telling her many times that I couldn’t run, she kept telling me that yes, I can. She never let me have the last word and she planted a seed: what if I could?” Sarah decided she would try running and told James. While he wasn’t thrilled with the idea, it didn’t take long before James was trying it himself. Soon, he was running with Sarah." --It was that new activity that conditioned his lungs for the most difficult endurance event of his life-- fighting for his life. While Jim was muscular, it would be his heart & lungs doing most of the work to facilitate his recovery. He had multiple organ failures. One organ would affect another & they Domino'ed out of control. After 19 days of a coma, they were successful in waking Jim up. His condition was still bleak but he was awake! Then the real work began!

Betsy McCort, Jim's family in Cleveland, was so supportive, allowing us to stay at their home while we visited Jim in the hospital. Retired biology professor, Tom McCort, helped IMMENSELY- putting all of the hospital abbreviations, test results, numbers, etc into layman's terms so I could make decisions for Jim when he couldn't. After 5 weeks in two hospitals, Jim was supposed to go to a rehab facility. He couldn't sit up in bed; he couldn't eat; he couldn't do much... but he wanted to come home. I didn't blame him-- but I knew I wasn't qualified for what would take place. We muddled through. Two more hospital visits in four more months would eventually show Jim had residual infection in his abdomen. A regiment of strong antibiotics FINALLY kicked what was making him so sick!!! --Now the ultimate comeback...? Would it be possible? We would TRY... and guess what... it worked...

Pic 1: Jim, in the hospital- April 2016- after they finally found & treated his infection.  Pic 2: Thin & weak- but back in the gym a couple of weeks after getting out of the hospital.Pic 3: More stability- eating & gaining strength. Pic 4: Blood work check up: multiple stabs to check all his numbers :) Good report! August 2I don't know WHAT will happen in the future. I do know we made it through a rough storm & we're a tighter knit family... I hope this story helps others to HOPE when their own life gets rough. I HOPE... this never happens, again...

Monday, August 8, 2016

Me: Ugh! I really need to eat better! I need to lose this! (belly)
Jim: Momma, you're fine. You're not going to lose that skin. You've had babies.
Me: No, there's fat there, too.
Jim: Not much. You're not fat.
Me: (Music to a woman's ears!) Awwww, Babe, I love you!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Another trip to UT, yesterday, to talk to Jillian's success coach, look into programs, aid, discuss scholarships, tutoring programs, deadlines, etc. Her success coach was floored & excited looking at her ACT scores & grades. His excitement was contagious. His talking about money to attend UT, made ME excited. πŸ˜† "At this point, with these scores, if you declared your major to be pre-med, you would be guaranteed a spot!" Jillian's face was priceless! "Really...?" then the smirk... & full smile. I was so happy for her! She DOES want to pursue science; but she's not sure if it will be biochemistry, marine biology, or some other unknown scientific passion. Art is a talent that may come in handy if she illustrates medical books-- yes, she's that good.

I am SO happy for her options! This trip was for "me" to get a game plan for her... & translate it (eventually) to a working plan for Hannah. They will do the work; but if it is a team effort (started early) then college, close to home, is the start... & who knows...

I remember being pregnant on the couch & Jim asking what we were going to do for school. "She's not even born, yet!!!" I thought it was silly to plan that far ahead-- but we always were. We planned their room, the delivery, school- kind of... We had a tentative loose plan of a "direction" but the girls have made it their own. We talked about local college years then moving farther away when they felt ready. I didn't really think we'd get this far even though you discussed it, planned for it, expected it...

And, now, here we are. Two with one foot in high school, the other in college. Transition time for all of us.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Weeks since I've posted on this blog-- mostly because I have a new Apple computer that is taking such a learning curve to do EVERYTHING... that it's frustrating. All of my artsy programs are in my old computer. All of my bookmarked/favorite sites are on my old computer. My accounting software is not easily transferred to my new computer. It's just frustrating... but not impossible... So hopefully, I'm blogging from my phone. --Last time I did this (for weeks), I presumed it was my blog. My posts are floating on Google but didn't show up here. We'll try, again. :)

I am writing to say that I was chosen with some local people to, again, represent & promote the Glass City Marathon. I am over the moon excited! I am no elite; but most runners aren't. I am an often injured, continually trying, mid packer. I share my good & bad trial & error experiences so that others learn as I learn. (Hopefully, you don't have to touch the stove to know the concept of "hot"... if I try to explain it.)  As I train or try new stuff, I'm candid if I fail or succeed. Hopefully others can adjust & find a life lesson.

Today is mom stuff, work & weightlifting. Tomorrow, I run. I wish I was one of those people that can run every day & not get hurt... but I tend to hurt myself just walking down the hallway.

I hope no one figures out I'm clumsy. 😜 More than likely, with my tell-all, my reputation is already established. πŸ˜†

Average mom reporting to promote the Glass City Marathon...