Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yep, that's my old lady tootsie. That is bruising down the middle three toes & down the side of my foot. Clearly you can see the pinky toe is the worst. My whole foot was pretty bruised up & swollen. This is what's left...

This shouldn't have happened. It's not even running related! I have TWO races coming up, soon; &, I can't even get my shoe on. I was reluctant to get an x-ray because everyone kept telling me, "You'll be fine!" "There's nothing you can do about it, anyway." --I will probably go, today, though. I don't want to miss my races but I need to know if I do participate (IF I can!) will I mess things up, "later", because I didn't heal properly. It hurts to even wear Crocs, now; but, it will really be awful if I can't run this Fall because of pushing it too fast this Spring!

This was supposed to be my break out, year-- my year of redemption-- the year I "proved" myself...

I know things could be worse. I'm trying to be positive. This is certainly temporary. It doesn't completely define me... but it obviously affects me. All I can think about is how these sidelined, injured players must feel seeing their healthy teammates play when they WISH, with all their heart, that they could play, too. -I, personally, never played team sports... but I certainly know how "left out" I feel, right now, as I hear of other's plans & races...

The optimist in me says, "I may still be able to pull this off. I may not be able to RACE... but maybe I can still start & finish..." --The realist in me says, "Don't get your hopes up. We will find out soon enough..."

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