Confidence is a state of mind.
I never considered myself a runner in the past. I had no confidence in my abilities. It was a slow process changing from power lifter to running. It was not a pretty sight, either. I was called a "closet runner"- trail running, solo, in the woods, until my form, stamina & speed could improve...
I "ran" but I did not consider myself a "REAL" runner. I thought participating in a race would make me feel like a real runner. I ran 5K's. I ran numerous 1/2 marathons & finished three marathons. None of these performances were to my complete satisfaction. I analyzed & ripped apart every result. I hit a plateau until I met the right doctor. He fixed some major biomechanical issues.
I got faster... I have gotten better.
After 6 years of "trying" I finally have started thinking of myself as a runner. Why now...? -Confidence...
This year, has been a great year! I was asked to be an ambassador for the Glass City Marathon. I was honored & I jumped at the opportunity. I became an ambassador for the clothing company INKnBURN. Their brightly colored-artsy clothing brings a physical feeling of joy as I wear it. I was also asked, recently, by a local business woman (& fellow school mom) if I would give input, wear & promote her reflective gear. It compliments the bright colors of my new running gear & is a topic of conversation at each local race I attend. I find this all so ironic! ME- the person who used to run in solid black so I wouldn't be noticed! The person who would run in terribly fitting men's clothes! The person who tried to keep secret that she was trying to learn to run... The late bloomer... The person who has struggled through so many injuries... The person with little confidence...
I actually have a LOT to say, now, about what I've learned along the way. I WANT others to take the bull by the horns & be CONFIDENT! If it means sharing my faux pas from my first race, then I will.
I have enjoyed these privileges, immensely!!! -My training was going well and for the first time in my life, I FEEL like a runner.
This week, in a non-running accident, I broke my little toe. I was clumsy & smashed my foot into a footstool. While I was initially devastated, I view this as temporary. I have seen others recover from this & I know I will, too. The timing is terrible (!!!) but I still have a few weeks before the Glass City 1/2 marathon. I am optimistic. My training may take a dive for awhile, but I have confidence that I can overcome some pretty crappy stuff, anymore.
I am grateful for Toledo Roadrunners. I am grateful for our local races, the volunteers, the enthusiasm & effort of all that participate. I am in AWE of the fast runners. I am in AWE of the tenacious people at the back of the pack! Tucked in the middle of the group is me. My fight or flight mode in high alert, I never know what to expect. I am getting more confident & using "flight" to my race day advantage. I am grateful to a generous running community willing to share information & experiences.
I am grateful to the local runners sharing their hearts & realizing that despite our pace, we all have the same goal: bringing the best out of ourselves at any given event.
As my foot heals, I have one immediate goal: Glass City weekend! Friday we prep for the expo. Saturday is working at the expo. Sunday is race day! Come what may- running or gimping- I will participate to best of my ability...