Monday, November 20, 2017

Chiropractor appointment today: pushing, rotating & pulling of my neck, back, legs & hips into alignment. Yowzas! I was still feeling tight when I left the office but "better." Then on the drive home my SI joint (the "T" where your spine & hips connect) "clunked." It was a sound like an old car with a bad transmission "dropping" & "clunking" into a different gear. It was MOST UNLADYLIKE; but a great relief. I am absolutely pain free & loose as a goose, right now. 
I told Dr. Poitinger about my 1/2 marathon & he assessed that "opening up my speed" on my declines was probably a lot of pounding on my body. 
I used to hate hills. Now,😂
I absolutely love them! The declines are the absolute best! I can truly fly... but I have to visit my mechanic, after I land.

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