Sunday, September 4, 2016

14 miles, today, at Oak Openings. The weather was cooler & a bit chilly at the start. That quickly faded to "comfortable." Met up with a former high school classmate to run. I love introducing people to the trails at Oak Openings. There is often trepidation when you start trail running. "Will I fall?" "Will I get lost?" "Will a scary person hurt me out there?" Yes, you could fall-- but tripping is more likely. Lost? Trails are usually marked & a turn could be missed if you don't look up at some point. Scary people are not usual at the Metropark. Most are there to exercise as well. Lisa complimented me but I honestly told her she got me on a good day. My breathing (allergy induced asthma) was the best it's been in awhile (Ragweed pollen is going down). I was highly caffeinated & had just been to the chiropractor on Friday. The planets were "aligned". 😜 We separated after mile 10. I did a few more miles. Stopped for photos of mushrooms & thinking about some upcoming races. I will not be doing Woodstock & Detroit this year. Part of me is sad. Part of me is relieved of the pressure. It's still hard to haul the family out of town for me, solo, to race, then come straight home. It throws everyone out of their routines- for homework & pets, housework & secular work. I'll finish this year, "locally" with The Oak Openings Stampede, Churchill's, Run For Your Life & Komen. I'm feeling good about us as a family; but our life is far from "settled". I'm running & racing enough to fill what little "extra" time I have. Training for longer races isn't feasible until these girls are driving themselves to school/college. I'm kind of okay with that... I know there will be a time when they won't need me driving them around. For now, I can run & still hear about lab partners, teachers, college classmates & projects... I'm willing to take that trade off.

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