Saturday, January 16, 2016

Shortie 3 miler with/for Lucy. I need to get the girls to a friend's house, then I'll finish my miles, solo. Blue trail at Oak Openings was treacherously icy. I wasn't thinking. I thought it may be muddy with the snow melting & rain we got... but I didn't plan on ice. I didn't have my Yaktrax but it wouldn't have helped at some sections. I ended up slidding sideways as I hit a patch, tried to slow down, arms flailing & choppy steps to keep them under me. It was all SO graceful. ;) Looking forward to a few more miles in a bit... Planning my strategy for Glass City in April.
Part 1: DON'T GET HURT...
Part 2: Get Jim healthy. He's lost so much muscle mass. He will be more light to run, eventually. 
Part 3: Hal Higdon training plan, again, this year. It's easier to run solo with my weird schedule.
Part 4: Remember that running is not "selfish". It helps me be a stronger support for my family- emotionally & physically.
Part 5: Less is sometimes "more" as I get older. -REST DAYS- Better to run less days if it means I won't get injured.
Part 6: Physical therapy/strength exercises-- clam shells, clam shells, clam shells(!!!), Downward Dog, pigeon, Cat, Cow, Child's Pose... I can't skip my yoga stretches & hip strengthening exercises.
Part 7: Commit to a race distance. I am watching the spots fill up for Glass City. While I am an ambassador & have an entry-- I am toying with the idea of still doing the full marathon. Life is so chaotic with Jim's care that REALISTICALLY, I'll probably do the 1/2 marathon but I will still try to increase miles (& fit them into my schedule).
IMPORTANT Part 8: Don't get hurt! Winter miles can be dangerously scary when solo... & insulatedly beautiful & meditative at times. Dress warm & choose your route carefully. -Plan your run... then run your plan so my family knows where I'll be.
Training wrap up: Enjoy it! It's training but it's "more". I'm training because I LOVE running the trails. I LOVE that running gives me a confidence that I have never had before. (A confidence more than weight loss.) A confidence to trust my body-- that my body is a functioning machine that can endure a lot if well maintained & cared for... Respect for my body & others participating in the same event & life style... Hope- if I can keep going, my girls may look to running to help them endure & cope with their own trials as they get older.
As I flood my mind with feel-good chemicals, I look positively to Jim's physical recovery. It has taken MUCH longer than I expected. He is the one enduring this & I try to help him stay as comfortable as he can in his uncomfortable state. -I "take him with me" on each run, then share stories upon my return. He smiles & tells me he will be out there with me, soon. --I look forward to this...


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