November 23-28 recap: WHAT A WEEK, last week!!!
Monday after work, I came home late. I stopped at Kroger's & got a bag-o-salad & some avacado dressing. I asked Jim if he would like some. He said it sounded "delicious." Delicious!?! We've had to FORCE Jim to eat. He hasn't wanted to eat anything, let alone said anything sounded "delicious"! We shared a salad & he asked if I put onions in his. "A bit..." "I can taste them. Something is different, today. I can feel it..."
The prior week, he continued his insulin but cut back the long lasting insulin because he was waking up with extreme night sweats & sugar lows. (Highs were over 300 earlier in the month. Lows were below 40 & down to 24 at one point.) He had experimented with cutting down his long lasting dosage then cutting out his short acting insulin, completely. He, then, cut out his long lasting insulin completely & was just taking his short term insulin. It was all a guessing game, trying to "dial in" what he needed. It was all authorized by his doctor according to his blood sugar numbers & how he "felt". I felt helpless.
Tuesday was a "dizzy" but an ok day. We took Jillian to the art museum for her last college class of the week before heading to Cleveland. Art kids were going to eat together as a class before Thanksgiving break. That left Jim, Hannah & myself to fend for ourselves. We found & went to the Spaghetti Warehouse to eat. Jim ordered a salad & commented that he was tasting m
ore flavors! -We picked up Jillian & drove to Cleveland. Wednesday would be a follow up appointment at Cleveland Clinic so we made arrangements to come into Euclid the night before his appointment. This would be an opportunity to get a good night's sleep. Upon parking in the driveway, Jim didn't even make it out of the van. His step-mom was seeing him for the first time in months. She hugged & held on to him. They both cried. -We talked, ate & prepped for the next day. Jim took his insulin & had the sweats, that night, again.
Wednesday, I had time for a "long run". It's funny how "short" & "long" are relative. At one time a 5 mile run would have been considered a "shortie" run. After you've been out of the process for a few months, five miles is pretty tiring & beats up your body. I was sore but we headed to the hospital. We brought a wheel chair. The "maze" of Cleveland Clinic & finding where to park & get through building one to the elevators, to the 3rd floor, to the skyway, over to building A, to another set of elevators, then up to floor 10, then wait (& wait... & wait...), then have your appointment, back down 7 floors, across the skyway at floor 3, back to building one, then to the ground floor, THROUGH building one to the elevators, head down under the street (wheel chair friendly), through the tunnel, up the elevators to the 3rd level of the parking garage... can be tiring to a healthy person let alone exhausting to a person on the mend.
Thursday: Jim's step-mom planned having a large meal for Thanksgiving. I've never celebrated Thanksgiving so I felt awkward. There was a local Turkey Trot in Downtown Cleveland. I've never done a Turkey Trot; so I tried that, too. I never stay for post-race festivities & there were no pre-race festivities that I felt warm enough to enjoy (music outside); so, all-in-all, it was "just a race".
I had a pretty good pace. I was just going to run it but picked up the pace. It was a RACE, after all. I started heaving in the last 1/2 mile. I really need to do speed work so I can resolve & avoid this on race day!!! 43rd out of 153 in my age group. I was told: "You really don't look like a runner." (-Great! Thanks I told the smoker man... )
At some point I picked up a germ & have been fighting being sick since we got home. I'm the only driver, currently, in the family. Life is in full swing, again, this week & I'm trying to add running back into the mix. I'm tired & sore but feeling good!
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