I run because I have yet to DIE at any of these events. I may FEEL like I'm going to die... but I haven't. That's when I know I'm just listening to the old me. I have yet to control that inner voice... but I'm getting better. It's been a long time since I've been that immobilized. Tonight's race proved I'll be fine!!!
I've never been a "party girl." Tonight, my "party" was running a 5K at midnight with James Speer & quite a few Toledo Roadrunners. We ran in the pitch black darkness with flashlights, headlamps or other glowing/reflective items. We called out a warning to each other when approaching the black ice on the trail & we saw fireworks at midnight. Everyone was yelling, "Happy New Year" to each other or just whooping & cheering. Jim pushed a slightly faster pace, tonight. I could hear his breathing a bit more than usual. I made him nervous as I ran left than right of him (after we turned corners, etc). I was "told" to stay to his right. 😜 Okey- dokey... He ran this race faster 2 years ago- before he got sick... (Strange that we break down time to "pre-sickness" & "post-sickness.") Jim has his eye on who he wants to pass, eventually. We talked about how thin his legs were when he was sick. In April 2016, at his lightest weight of 127, you could see every contour of every one of his bones. His legs were emaciated & his skin literally hung on him. He didn't even want to look in the mirror. It was a very scary time. Now, at whatever the pace, he's healthy enough to participate, again. And-- I hear that competitive talk starting to rumble... I couldn't be more pleased. 💕
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