Thursday, April 30, 2015

Commenting to a person about INKnBURN: "I've been told that 'they are just clothes'... Coming from a person who didn't have much growing up-- the 'clothes' are LIBERATING! I used to only wear black & men's baggy stuff. I was too shy to wear something so bold & colorful like InB..."

I'm finding a BOLD, confident person, I didn't know existed! - Sounds weird but I am really just putting on the "outside" what I feel on the inside. I am introverted, self-reflecting & "follow the rules". I am a hard worker... but WAY DOWN, deep inside, am a B.A. (I can't bring myself to cuss.)

I run a business, volunteer at our daughters' schools & in the community, am raising a family, etc.

Like every person, we have different moods, feelings, obligations... -Running & exercise is my solo time. NOW: instead of always being modest & following the rules-- I'm wearing skulls? Like I said, it's liberating! I can be that "person" during a work out & "take it off", too, with a simple tank top. I can be the Wildflower, peaceful lady when I run... the Healing Mandala lady for yoga stretching... or the Robot when I weightlift. (--I cannot tell you how HAPPY, nerdy & strong I felt wearing those Robot capris, yesterday.)

My first InB purchase was the Flutter long sleeve. It was so bright, I couldn't bring myself to wear it for a year! It just sat there. When I saw new designs I choked, again. -I thought the Robot tights were "too bold" for me when I saw them... but on the flip side, I couldn't stop thinking about them & "wishing". I just couldn't bring myself to get them. -I missed out & am now on the hunt. I found the pants; but, I am still looking for the t-shirt. I was so happy wearing the Robot capris yesterday-- more so because I wouldn't have a year ago.

I come from a very religious background. I wouldn't wear ANYTHING with skulls! I didn't see the appeal to such deadly symbolism. Of course, leave it to INKnBURN to "spin it" & leave me with mouth agape! Their new Run or Die design, with such bright colors, artistically drew me. I bought them & they "sat" there. I couldn't bring myself to wear them. It was a very "naughty" mood that got me to wear them on a trail run! The shirt represented the mentality that I needed to get me out that day!
So WHY do I wear INKnBURN? Why do I PREACH INKnBURN? --Because we're each complex creatures... We go "back and forth" often during the day and our lifetime. We often restrict ourselves to being "responsible"... but we are MORE than responsible. We're kind; but, we party! We're responsible but sometimes we need a jolt. We're quiet but maybe we're loud "inside". We're "breaking out" after years of repressing... or maybe we've always been a free spirit! We're discovering who we are-- what we are... We are ALL of these... and there is a HUMAN need to express ourselves... For some of us that take care of others and are "bound" to being responsible, clothing may be our only form of self-expression. INKnBURN is the closest thing to a tattoo I, personally, would ever dare to do... but it's nice to have a temporary tattoo, option...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I am not sure why I'm being such a baby... My running has gone to ZERO miles & I'm getting pretty bummed. I broke my little toe & there is an ache across the bottom & side of my foot. There is pain at my pinky toe. I am working "okay" & I can get around; so, I am trying to remain positive; but, it is a struggle. -I can get SOME shoes on, easily; but, there is constant discomfort. It is not the worst pain I have ever felt so I go from being optimistic, to realistic, to panicked, to optimistic...

I took Lucy for a walk at Oak Openings- even that hurt. I have my toes taped & I just "did" it. I wish it would have been enjoyable. I jogged down small inclines- not wise...

Time to drown my sorrows with a bit of retail therapy & running clothes...

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Glass City Marathon has partnered with Racejoy to provide tracking information for runners & their progress on race day. The app picks up runner information as they cross timing mats along the race route & sends alerts to family or friends. You can even set your app to post automatically to Facebook or Twitter! The app works with a chip attached to your bib & is free to download. Please note: it is not necessary to carry your phone for friends to receive these updates.

There is a nice tutorial explaining: the app on race day, training days, how to set your phone so others can track your progress in "real time", how to shut this feature off when finished, how to personalize your screen, etc. Please note: the "actual time" feature requires the runner to carry their phone & has a minor charge for athlete as well as spectator. There is an option to send audio cheer clips, as well.

The app seems pretty straight forward & helpful. You can customize the basic/free application to incorporate other helpful features.

It is a great free provision, brought to you by the Glass City Marathon.

I've been struggling to come up with encouraging words... something inspirational... something motivational... to blog about... It's all been said...

As I sit & contemplate everything about to happen this weekend, I reflect on the ups & downs of training. I reflect on the emotions & outcomes of past races- the good & bad.

Running is learning- about yourself & what your body is capable of...

Racing is the culmination of miles & experience. It's been compared to the victory lap of training...

If you've made it to race day, uninjured & healthy, then trust your training, relax & enjoy everything that race day has to offer- competition, adrenaline, community support & enthusiasm from fellow runners. Enjoy the feeling of crossing the finish line & earning that medal.

I wish you all a good race.  I will cheer for you; &, if I don't see you, I will track as many of you as I can...


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

This is Desi Davila Linden at the 2015 Boston Marathon. Why am I writing about her?

She was a bit of a dark horse for awhile. At the London Olympics, she participated injured. I read many "telling" her to give up her spot on the Olympic Team that year. She earned the experience... & judging by her performance, Monday, at the Boston Marathon, she has gained a lot of experience!

Injury plagues every runner at one point. It is heartbreaking but inevitable. We cry. We pout. We yell... but we heal & regroup.

2015 Boston Marathon: Shalane Flanagan was the showboat- Boston's sweetheart & hometown hero. At the end of the race, the channel I was watching, aired an interview with Shalane, NOT with Desi-- but Desi beat Shalane! --I am not lightly dismissing anything these elites can do; &, I do not downplay Shalane's performance... However, I connected with Desi. Perhaps it's her olive skin or short stature that connects with my Hispanic background- yeah probably.

In a culture that judges on first impressions & outward appearances, I was upset that Shalane got all of the attention. I did believe the hype & expected Shalane to win overall female, this year. As I watched Desi- this small woman from Detroit (LOCAL)- take the lead for the majority of the race, I was ecstatic! Here was my hero! She lead the pack & never let them lose her. She ran strong & gave the elites a race!

I can't imagine what she felt coming in 4th place when she lead for so long & came in seconds behind the leader.

Such is the love-hate of racing. Knowing you did, or didn't do, your best within the parameters of the day. Driving yourself crazy considering what you could have done differently-- better... Believing in yourself & your training while considering the outcome & questioning everything you're doing... -Been there -Done that...

As, I contemplate my race calendar. I believe in the dark horse. I don't want to be the show boat. I couldn't. I want to be a force & I would love to be an elite... but I'll settle for a strong-injury-free-mid-packer, for now.

Desi is a person to be watched & respected. She's a small package with strong desire that isn't intimidated by the game. Looking forward to following her tiny footsteps...

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Sadly-- I am off running for 6 weeks, now.

I tried running a week after I broke my foot. I had heard of die-hards running through broken toes, etc. How much could it hurt?

I found out. Broken toe or broken metatarsals... the healing time would be the same. I decided to bail out of the Martian Festival of races & Glass City 1/2. This decision was not made lightly; but, now that it's made, I feel devastated & relieved at the same time. I have to NOT think about it because I start to cry...

As I scan Facebook, I see others in the hospital, facing treatments & procedures, dealing with stress of life & family- physical & emotional... & I realize my little bones have a healing "deadline". I KNOW my little trauma will be finished, soon... & I feel foolish for even crying.

THEN I see prep for Boston. I read preparations & results of local friends... & my heart LONGS to be at the start line, too.

It's all self reflection. I think of the person that thought she "couldn't" run. I was TOLD I couldn't & shouldn't-- I believed it. Then there was the struggle to try- emotionally & physically.

I came so far... but swore I would never race. "Why PAY for something I could do for free?" I learned to hate & LOVE the speed of the race! I saw friendship & encouragement... which didn't make sense to me. Why would someone CHEER for you if they wanted to PASS you? -I learned about PR- PERSONAL records.

In the past, I was the one that only wore BLACK running clothes... & baggy men's running clothes... then I discovered running skirts, color & INKnBURN. It was as if I could wear on the outside what mood I was feeling on the inside!

I started writing down my improvements & encouraging others to change, too. I was asked to write about it & promote our local Glass City Marathon. I was SO HONORED. For the first time, I felt confident to call myself a runner. My times were improving. I felt confident. I was learning to embrace the race & I was TALKING to people about running. It was all so perfect...

A small crack & I'm on the sidelines... *BOO!*

Sooo... I signed up to volunteer on race day. I will be blasting music, directing traffic, high 5-ing, cheering & being genuinely happy for everyone I can make smile...

Life goes on. I'm looking forward to race day...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

There are socially unacceptable things that runners do when no one is looking. I always ran with a handkerchief. I knew about the "farmer's blow" but was too grossed out to do it! Jim started running with me a couple of years ago & "encouraged" me to let go of my inhibitions. I've perfected it in private. After we ran this morning, I walked in the parking lot to cool down. I checked that no one was around & "cleared". I turned to the parked cars & saw an older lady looking at me in horror! I raised my hand in apology & quickly made it to the truck. Jim: "Don't worry about it! She probably wishes she could do it, too..." Her face did not denote that...

Sharing the "truth" about running.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Yep, that's my old lady tootsie. That is bruising down the middle three toes & down the side of my foot. Clearly you can see the pinky toe is the worst. My whole foot was pretty bruised up & swollen. This is what's left...

This shouldn't have happened. It's not even running related! I have TWO races coming up, soon; &, I can't even get my shoe on. I was reluctant to get an x-ray because everyone kept telling me, "You'll be fine!" "There's nothing you can do about it, anyway." --I will probably go, today, though. I don't want to miss my races but I need to know if I do participate (IF I can!) will I mess things up, "later", because I didn't heal properly. It hurts to even wear Crocs, now; but, it will really be awful if I can't run this Fall because of pushing it too fast this Spring!

This was supposed to be my break out, year-- my year of redemption-- the year I "proved" myself...

I know things could be worse. I'm trying to be positive. This is certainly temporary. It doesn't completely define me... but it obviously affects me. All I can think about is how these sidelined, injured players must feel seeing their healthy teammates play when they WISH, with all their heart, that they could play, too. -I, personally, never played team sports... but I certainly know how "left out" I feel, right now, as I hear of other's plans & races...

The optimist in me says, "I may still be able to pull this off. I may not be able to RACE... but maybe I can still start & finish..." --The realist in me says, "Don't get your hopes up. We will find out soon enough..."

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Glass City Marathon is approaching quickly! I questioned what could be written about... encouraged... planned... this close to race day. Nutrition? Gear reviews? Eateries? Logistics? --While all of those topics are extremely important, they've been discussed by many people with varying experience. Ultimately, these are personal choices.

What makes a race an EVENT? How can a person support a race & the participants in the race & have fun at the same time?

Volunteering is vital for any race to run smoothly. It is the life blood of the running community. For there to BE a race, there are months of preparation & many hands that make the load light.

I introduce: THE CHEER (SPIRIT) STATION! I cannot tell you how important these people are! These are small groups of people planted along a route that may or may not be connected to a water/aid station.

I, personally, get so anxious & focused on performance that I forget to enjoy the race experience. Cheer stations are a welcome surprise, smile & distraction along the route. I noticed the importance of cheer stations when I literally stopped, laughed & high-5'ed a college kid dressed up as a Telletubby. In the past, I have seen people dressed as Disco Hippies, Spartans, Homer Simpson, morph suited groups of (???), kilted dancers, cheer leaders, pep bands and many unique characters. I have seen musicians playing for strangers, cheering spectators encouraging with vocal cheers & signs. I have been offered oranges, candy & beverages by supportive neighbors as we ran through their neighborhoods.

What do you need for your own cheer station? Any or all of the following:
  • A loud voice to cheer for ALL of the racers- Reminders that someone is: "Looking good!" "You've got this!" "Great job!" are always accepted with a smile.
  • Hands to clap, wave or high-5
  • A musical instrument
  • A banner or sign
  • Sidewalk chalk for notes on the road
  • A cow bell, whistle or drum
  • Thunder sticks
  • COSTUMES for the brave hearted
  • Music playlist blaringly reminding me that I have the "EYE OF THE TIGER!"
I have seen elaborate, costumed spirit stations. -I have seen groups of kids cheering or playing music. I have appreciated every person holding a sign: "STRANGER, I am so proud of you!" (I admit, that one brought me to tears.) I love the signs that refer to super powers, or silly memes.
Pictures of our Churchill's 1/2 marathon water station & spirit station

While every race is a test of the human limits, it also attests to the supportive nature of the community.

I wish you a strong performance, a good race photo, the wind at your back & cheers along your route, this year...

Friday, April 3, 2015

Confidence is a state of mind.

I never considered myself a runner in the past. I had no confidence in my abilities. It was a slow process changing from power lifter to running. It was not a pretty sight, either. I was called a "closet runner"- trail running, solo, in the woods, until my form, stamina & speed could improve...

I "ran" but I did not consider myself a "REAL" runner. I thought participating in a race would make me feel like a real runner. I ran 5K's. I ran numerous 1/2 marathons & finished three marathons. None of these performances were to my complete satisfaction. I analyzed & ripped apart every result. I hit a plateau until I met the right doctor. He fixed some major biomechanical issues.

I got faster... I have gotten better.

After 6 years of "trying" I finally have started thinking of myself as a runner. Why now...? -Confidence...

This year, has been a great year! I was asked to be an ambassador for the Glass City Marathon. I was honored & I jumped at the opportunity. I became an ambassador for the clothing company INKnBURN. Their brightly colored-artsy clothing brings a physical feeling of joy as I wear it. I was also asked, recently, by a local business woman (& fellow school mom) if I would give input, wear & promote her reflective gear. It compliments the bright colors of my new running gear & is a topic of conversation at each local race I attend. I find this all so ironic! ME- the person who used to run in solid black so I wouldn't be noticed! The person who would run in terribly fitting men's clothes! The person who tried to keep secret that she was trying to learn to run... The late bloomer... The person who has struggled through so many injuries... The person with little confidence...

I actually have a LOT to say, now, about what I've learned along the way. I WANT others to take the bull by the horns & be CONFIDENT! If it means sharing my faux pas from my first race, then I will.

I have enjoyed these privileges, immensely!!! -My training was going well and for the first time in my life, I FEEL like a runner.

This week, in a non-running accident, I broke my little toe. I was clumsy & smashed my foot into a footstool. While I was initially devastated, I view this as temporary. I have seen others recover from this & I know I will, too. The timing is terrible (!!!) but I still have a few weeks before the Glass City 1/2 marathon. I am optimistic. My training may take a dive for awhile, but I have confidence that I can overcome some pretty crappy stuff, anymore.

I am grateful for Toledo Roadrunners. I am grateful for our local races, the volunteers, the enthusiasm & effort of all that participate. I am in AWE of the fast runners. I am in AWE of the tenacious people at the back of the pack! Tucked in the middle of the group is me. My fight or flight mode in high alert, I never know what to expect. I am getting more confident & using "flight" to my race day advantage. I am grateful to a generous running community willing to share information & experiences.

I am grateful to the local runners sharing their hearts & realizing that despite our pace, we all have the same goal: bringing the best out of ourselves at any given event.

As my foot heals, I have one immediate goal: Glass City weekend! Friday we prep for the expo. Saturday is working at the expo. Sunday is race day! Come what may- running or gimping- I will participate to best of my ability...