Podiatrist appointment: he asked 'how it was going.' He wanted to know if I was able to keep training since our last appointment. I told him about my two long runs with triple band-aids for the cushioning & my 5K PR. "I hate you..." he chuckled. We talked about me doing a 6:50 pace but getting scared that I couldn't keep that pace. (I'm not talking worried. I literally mean scared...) "Scared of what?" Me: "Heaving in front of people at mile 2 or 3..." Dr: "Who cares?! You limit yourself with THAT (points to Garmin). Listen to your body & not limit yourself with that..." -Little does he know how much I've questioned myself in the past. How much I've mentally overcome, already. I used the illustration of a baby elephant at a circus. 'They tie them to a stake, outside, with a thick rope. The baby will pull & pull until exhaustion & cant get away/break the rope. Eventually it stops fighting. As an adult, they tie a small string/thin rope around the grown elephant's leg. The elephant has been CONDITIONED to believe it can't break free & doesn't try.'
My dr looked at me as I used this illustration. His eyes got big. "I was wondering where you were going with this. Do you consider yourself a baby elephant?" He smiled. "I think I'm learning that I was 'conditioned' to believe in limitations... I'll move past that... I AM moving past that."
I do want to see how fast I can eventually get... but I STILL put on the brakes. "My range is X to Y. My next race will be Y to Z... but no one cares if it is something different. I could hit a 3:55 & qualify for Boston/ or a 4:05/ or a 4:15... no one cares but me." Dr: "I understand..." Me: "I know you understand. That's why I'm telling you." We both laughed then he commented on wanting matching capris, like mine. Me: "We could be twins & no one would be able to tell us apart..." 😂
He's a good guy. He's a former TRRC member & former marathoner (now has limiting health issues). I see his eyes light up when we talk about running. Maybe he'll come back around realizing you can still be active in the club even if you don't run marathons.
If he does come back, just make sure you can tell us apart if we wear our matching capris. 😁
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