6.64 miles with "The Moose"
Oak Openings is beautiful in the winter as well as the summer. There are more trail running options during warmer weather; but, it still beats the treadmill! We stayed on the paved Brown trail then made our way to the Bike Trail & back. We saw a bearded fellow runner. He gave us the "runner wave"; we gave him a thumbs up & audible "Good job".We saw deer, people walking & people walking with dogs. Lucy was eager to wag her tail & make a friend. We were scolded by a small chipmunk; &, I audibly chuckled as he took a wide stance & noisily chattered at us as we passed. Most of our run was quiet & uneventful except for my music in my right ear from my iPhone. I lost track of time & soon it was time to turn around.
I was proud, today- not about my pace- but the fact that, yesterday, I struggled to run three miles... & here I was, confident at the thought of a 6 miler. -I honor the fact that each day my body & mind are able to do different things. I was cautious as there was still a lot of ice... & I shuffled across slippery areas. I looked for the hash tags in the snow I had seen, last week. They were gone under the latest snow & ice. I looked & saw "parts" of the adorable snowman from a week, ago. He was pushed over when the trail was plowed. I saw his little torso & stick arm "reaching up" like an injured soldier. I was briefly sad. -The scenery is always changing, there, & I was quickly distracted by a darting Blue Jay.
My mind drifted between what I was physically feeling in my feet, arches, heels, knees... to the scenery... to my music... to the Glass City marathon... -I am "sure" that being asked to be an INKnBURN ambassador was only "possible" because I was a Glass City Marathon Ambassador. I am a Glass City Marathon Ambassador because of one person asking me. I realized how much hinged on her asking me a few months, ago. I would not consider applying for an INKnBURN position a year ago. As a matter of fact, I turned down an opportunity to blog about trail running... I didn't think it would go anywhere & I was "just a mom in Ohio..."
My mind drifts between lost opportunities and grasped opportunities. I contemplate this week's work schedule, family events & other upcoming volunteer commitments. Before I realize it, we're on the home stretch & I am grateful for the time to be alone in my own head. Sometimes I am "lonely" on a solo run... but usually... I find I enjoy being alone. I am able to come home and resume life. Laundry is still waiting to be put away. The dishwasher is through its wash cycle... & it is time to get the girls from school, soon. Life resumes right where it left off but I am refreshed... albeit hungry...
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