Saturday, October 13, 2018

As you may remember, I was encouraged to be a Girls On The Run Coach. I “knew” I should try it. I’ve always been drawn to kids. They’re frank & honest. I have always loved that. I’ve done numerous things in the past “for” kids; but, my own kids would also benefit from my efforts. This time, it would be volunteer work with no personal, familial benefit. I was a bit nervous expecting adults to question my motives. I had been playing a supportive role until this week. 

This past Thursday we discussed peer pressure. Coach Michelle led the discussion. (I feel better doing it that way. Her daughter is present/in the program. I feel she should be teaching her daughter; &, her daughter should see her mom in that position.) We played a game to see how others can affect you. During the game, the girls were trying to get the other girls to laugh while they walked down the center of the group. When finished, they discussed what they did to not laugh. 

During laps, both of us coaches role played with the girls. I would give them scenarios & they would have to tell me how they could respond. Their innocent faces displayed pure shock when I truly played the part. I didn’t read from the book. I whispered or whined or pleaded my case, why they should: let me look at their paper (cheat) during a test, or distract the lunch lady so I could grab a Rice Krispy. I explained how I would be in so much trouble with my parents if they didn’t help me... They LOVED  it! They got to think about it; &, we talked about how much MORE trouble we would both be in, later, when parents found out. We discussed what to say if ‘friends’ thought what we wore or activities we did were not “cool.” One little girl told me, “When I come back around, I want you to give me a really bad one. Ok? We’ll be the judge if it’s bad. If it’s not, you have to give me 10 squats... no... 10 push ups!”  I agreed. As the girls completed their lap, I gave them the scenario using my whispering, up to no good voice telling them why they should tell their parents I was with THEM when I was really doing something else... then we could all go & do ‘something.’ -Girl one rolled on the grass. “No! That is SO BAD!” 😂 Girl two: “Ok, that is bad...” Then they both proceeded to scold me & tell me why I shouldn’t lie to parents & tell the truth. It was pretty epic. The girl still wanted me to do push ups. “I will- when we get inside. We can do them, together.” Girl: “No!!!” When her mom arrived, we did them. The girl was nervous & couldn’t do 10; but, we did how many she could, together. I gave her a high 5. “Nyyce job!!!” She was smiling ear to ear! I was smiling, too. 
When I got home, I told Jim the scenarios we played out. “Sounds like those little girls are growing on you.” I guess so... 

“Girls On The Run: is so much fun.” (Our cheer) 

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